
Monday, May 28, 2012

04/22/2012 - Capitol City Classic 10k (6.2 miles)

Check out the "Chip Diff" statistic.  That means it took me a 1 minute 32 seconds to even cross the starting line - that's how far back I was from the line...look at everybody else in the top 15...what does this tell you?  No swag.

I'm always worried that I'm going to get in the way of the 5:00 and 5:30/mile runners.  But who usually ends up standing at the front?  Middle aged women running a race with their 12 year old kid and old men who walk the race.  Wtf.

When I win my race I hope that it's different.  I want to stand at the very front, look down at people on the starting line, and be confident that I'm going to "Usain Bolt" all of them.

I think that I am to running as Mike Miller is to basketball.  We both look like we can be good.  We both remember that we used to be good.  We look fit, we feel good.  We even have some accessory swag: Mike Miller sports his gnarly tribal tattoo; I rock multiple power balance bands.

But as Sebastian Telfair would say, "When the lights are on, it's time to perform."  (This actually sounds like it rhymes when you have a Brooklyn accent.  'Bassy also didn't go to college.)

I wonder if Mike has swag in shootaround.  I wonder if he tries to bully LeBron in the post during practice.  I swag out when I'm training at the track.  VROOM.  Whenever somebody tries to run faster than me I run faster.  VROOM.  Nobody passes me.  Who do they think they are?  That's MY track.

So if you're at the start of a race and you think, "Where is Steven?"  Look further back.  You'll probably catch him next to the sorority girls with matching t-shirts and the lady with the double wide stroller.